dalzell projects 

trouble shooters, practitioners & advisers 

Our Customers:


 Our customers include an impressive array of


Global, International and Small Businesses;


Public & Private Sectors;


Blue Chip to New-Start;


Whatever your need, we help!


Babcock BES

Balfour Kilpatrick Broxburn Bottlers CityWest Homes

Coca-cola Enterprises Diamond Trading  



Elementis Specialties


Faithful & Gould Glenmorangie

JP Kenny Caledonia

Judane (Shetland)

Lambeth Council Renfrewshire Council South Lanarkshire 


Robert Wiseman


Scottish Power


Westminster City


Our Customers Say»


"David Clark has been consistent in driving forward change...


"...delivers excellent results"


"...consistently exceeding Customer Satisfaction Targets"


"David has proved to be a Safe Pair Of Hands"


"Can be relied upon to deliver..."


"Resolves problems confidently when they arise..."











www.dalzell.org.uk  © 2009